written by Ana Maria Machado &  illustrated Christine Röhrig

In this extremely sensitive text, Ana Maria Machado patches together literary classics to tell the story of a woman who spent her whole life singing “the lady and the loom” while washing clothes in the river in the mornings, going to church in the afternoons, and telling her stories at night. Until one day, she decides it’s time for a change and embroiders a new story and a whole new world.

RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish                                                             Paperback / 210 x 280 / 48 pages / Companhias das Letrinhas

Ana Maria Machado has written over a hundred children’s books, published in seventeen countries. In August 2003 she was admitted into the Brazilian Academy of Letters. She won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize in 2000 and the Machado de Asssis award in 2001, the greatest literary accolade for a Brazilian writer. She won the fnlij Best Book prize for Histórias à brasileira — A Moura Torta e outras (Companhia das Letrinhas, 2002).